
Ignite Your

Dream. Grow. Glow.

In these blog posts I share lessons learned, and of course, still learning.

Intending to provide insights and ignite your inspiration  

For a Life That Lights You Up!

Life Coaching Blog Series

How Can Life Coaching Help You?

We all have times in life when we lose our way a littleEach of us is wonderful and unique. We  have our strengths and skills, limitations and learning points, our purpose to fulfill, which fulfills us. But there are times when we lose

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A Life That Lights You Up! Blog article

A Life That Lights You Up!

 My Personal Why Behind...A Life That Lights You Up!In 2015, excited to start my coaching business after completing my training, I was reflecting on my “why”, based on Simon Sinek’s legendary TedX Talk. A question arose: What inspires me most in people? The

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For when you feel a little lost

Do You Feel Like You Have Lost Yourself a Little?

Life happens, time flies,, circumstances change... In the hectic of our daily lives or after a hard phase, we can find ourselves having drifted off, in a different spot than we had hoped to be. Missing the dreams we once

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A Lifestyle of Love

Creating a Lifestyle of Love

Before we start, a short heads-up. As a life coach, I can’t help but ask reflection questions for  you to dive deeper and make it personal. This time I’ve organised the blog post around those seven questions.Also, as a faith-fueled

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Blog Post About Life Coaching

What is Life Coaching? From Conversation to Transformation

A coach on every corner?It certainly seems that way nowadays. You may know someone who is a life coach or have been recommended one... but what exactly does life coaching entail? What makes a coaching session different from a conversation with a caring friend, or

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How Embracing Our Imperfections Ignites Meaningful Connections

Flawsome: How Embracing Our Imperfections Ignites Meaningful Connections

Nobody’s perfect, we’re all flawsomeThis has been my realization and reminder recently. Perhaps you needed a reminder as well? With all the filters and fillers out there, it’s easy to forget that we all have our flaws. Influencers included. Trying to

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Reframing rest

Reframing Rest: What Is Your Relationship With Rest?

How is this year for you so far? I’d love to hear from you. My word so far has been... Delay. I have been invited, to put it positively, to take a lot of rest. Although it has not been fun at

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Blog party poem

Party: Ending The Year With a Bang… or a Bell [POEM]

Party!How do you define one? A gathering with good music, great people, dancing, drinks? A warm and loving time with those close to you? A victory dance or a high five after a success?Whichever way you celebrate the year coming

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Priorities: Who and What Do You Love and Value Most?

Priorities It's a term that we throw around like snowballs, but how aware are you of your priorities? One step further, if you know your priorities, do you consciously create time for them?  Let’s dig into this theme with the

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Progress: A Personal Burnout Recovery Process

Progress and Burnout? Progress. A word I never linked to burnout recovery until I ended up with one in 2022. Progress was lacking at first, requiring faith. Progress was bumpy afterward, requiring acceptance. Progress has become clearer as I look

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Pray: Four Years After Finding Faith [POEM]

A Moment of Pause This September marks the three-year-anniversary of my baptism. An unforgettable day that happened a year after an unforgettable choice: converting to Christianity. It hasn't always been easy, but it's been beautiful beyond measure. So to celebrate, I

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Play: Getting Into The Habit of Having Fun!

What do you think about when you hear the word “play”? You may think of children having fun in the sun or sand or in the rain, busy with building blocks or barbie dolls, drawing or dancing. When was the

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Peace blog

Peace: What Is the State of Your Serenity? [+VLOG]

How would you define peace? When was the last time you  experienced a sense of serenity, a piece of peace? Where were you? What did your surroundings look like? Who was there with you or were you alone? What did

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Presence Blog

Presence: Slow Down, Simplify, Breathe…

A fast-paced walk. A time-check every few minutes. A hurried thought: ‘I can still make it if I keep up’. But then, these beautiful flowers, not far away. Soon I will pass them, should I stop? ‘Always stop and smell the

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Positivity blog

The Power of Positivity

Here in The Netherlands we have meanwhile moved fully into Springtime.  The season of new beginnings, hope, resurrection, love.  The sunshine sparks life in nature and in us. Fresh-green leaves on trees and brightly colored flowers everywhere. Beauty all around.

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Pressing Pause

The Practice of Pressing Pause

Do you know those periods in life where you're forced to slow down? I'm in one right now. It's a truth I’ve been reminded of for years. But there’s a difference between knowing and actually doing. Most of us live

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Purpose: What Makes You Get Out of Bed Each Morning?

What made you come out of bed this morning? In this case I'm not talking about your alarm clock 😉 but about your "ikigai" as they refer to it in parts of Japan. Your "raison d'être" as it's called in France

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Unlocking The Power of Perseverance (+Top 10 Quotes)

"Perseverance is the quality of continuing with something even though it is difficult." (Collins Dictionary) If passion is the spark that ignites a flame on the inside, then perseverance is the breath that continues to blow, in order to let

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Ponderings and Perspectives on Passion

What is your relationship with passion? Is passion a feeling you experience on a daily basis? Do you need to blow onto your inner fire from time to time? Is it a distant memory from the past? Or are you

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A New Now: How To Continue After a Crisis?

“How are you currently feeling?” This is the only way I can possibly think of starting this blog article. And I truly would care to hear your answer... in a comment or a personal message, whichever way.  Perhaps you can

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Changing One Choice at a Time

Changing aspects of our lives or behavior can seem daunting sometimes. Especially if we’ve tried and failed one too many times before, but change is crucial if we want to go for our goals and dreams. That’s why I want

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Blog How To Have Fun Working From Home

How to Have Fun Working From Home

Wherever in the world you are reading this from, first of all I hope that you are healthy and safe. Perhaps in your country the Covid-19 regulations have also led to a situation where you need to work from home

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Comfort in Corona Times – Continued

Meanwhile, most of us are slowly settling into this currently-new-normal and I hope you are as healthy and happy as possible in these times. Since this situation is still ongoing and some of us are growing increasingly impatient, I wanted

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Comfort in Corona Times

By now, whether or not the Corona virus is in people's bodies, it surely is on most of our minds. It has been on my mind too, and so I wanted to share some reflections on finding comfort throughout this

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Happy New Year!! (Poem)

Dear You, Just wanted to write you a personal post to wish you the most beautiful beginning of this new decade! Hopefully you are ending the old and starting the new year on a fulfilling, fun and focused note.Below is

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Embracing Emotions: Healing The Deeper Layers

Facing and embracing our emotions, especially the ones that we label as 'negative', is not something we've been taught how to do. Unfortunately. There are innumerable incredible ways to distract ourselves and keep our attention outside of ourselves. But we have

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When You Are Tempted To Give Up Or Give In

This is a letter from my heart to yours, for those of you who are in transition times. Those phases in life when you can't see what's next, when you're tempted to give up, even though deep inside you know

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Nicky de Koning Blog Finding Faith

A Leap of Faith – From Comfort to Christianity

As some of you already know, meanwhile in August 2018, I converted to Christianity. A change I had never, ever, ever expected myself to make in my life. It has taken me some time to share my story, but here

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Creating Change

The 5 Stages of Creating Change

There are phases in our lives that are quite difficult at the time, but offer the most powerful potential to change ourselves and our lives for the better. We may not be able to see it in the moment, but

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Blog Ignite Your Inner Fire

Ignite Your Inner Fire!

I have a question for you: if you knew you had a fire burning inside of you… what would that look like at this moment? You can even close your eyes as you determine its state: Is it burning bright,

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Blog Back on Track after a Slack Quote

Getting Back On Track After a Slack [Vlog]   The new is ready to unfold, deep dreams that can come true surrender what you were once toldto believe and receive what's due. Sometimes in life there are moments when you know it's time to draw a line

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Finding Freedom Poem

Free to Be Me [Poem]

"Freedom is the message here. No longer being held back by fear" Nicky de Koning This paragraph belongs to a poem I recently wrote and will share below. About living life free as we're meant to be. So often, we

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Blog Vlog Love Languages

Learning the Languages of Love [Blog]+[Vlog]

Lately I've picked up the habit of listening to an audiobook about 20-30min each morning while preparing myself for the day. So. Good.  This past week, I listened to a book which I'd been wanting to read for ages: the 5

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