How Can Life Coaching Help You?

Life Coaching Blog Series

We all have times in life when we lose our way a little

Each of us is wonderful and unique. We  have our strengths and skills, limitations and learning points, our purpose to fulfill, which fulfills us. 

But there are times when we lose sight of those “sures” as we drift along with the currents of life, lacking a clear course.

A Compass That Guides You in the Right Direction

It happens to all of us. The daily demands of life, society, even social media, can make us lose track of the truth that we’re precious, purposeful and full of potential. I know I have, and still sometimes do. It’s easy to flow along with a certain current only to realize you’ve missed an important exit.

Perhaps you’ve ignored your inner guidance for too long, its volume is too low, or life is too loud to reflect on the right route. 
We can get lost. Thankfully, we can always make a u-turn to find our way back.


A Safe Space to Reflect

Distance helps us to see things more clearly. It’s why I always love the moment your plane takes off—worries seem to shrink and clarity arises.

Unfortunately, we can’t always board a plane to regain perspective. We  often can’t take a retreat or vacation when we need it most. During hectic periods of life, our
daily time-out moments can become less frequent and less effective.

It’s hard to sit still, journal, reflect, or connect when you’re worried about everything and everyone you still need to take care of.

This is where life coaching can make a profound impact. 

A life coach offers a supportive space to step back and evaluate how your day-to-day actions, behaviors and calendars align with your passions, purpose and priorities. As John Mark Comer perfectly puts it, we can:

‘slow down and simplify our lives around what truly matters.’


Clearing Clutter to Create Clarity

A life coach can shine light on life areas that need your loving attention. If your mind were a room, this could mean clearing ‘clutter’ such as outdated beliefs or old behaviors that prevent you from seeing and taking the next step.

A life coach asks reflective questions, that reveal insights into your personality, potential, and path, which may lead to new perspectives or even a new life path. 
Let me make it more concrete with some examples:


Life Coaching Can Support You In:

  • Building a lifestyle that best suits your personality and purpose
  • Creating clarity around priorities in your current life phase
  • Finding new perspectives on your past… and future 
  • Gaining insight into your passion and purpose 
  • Healing from heartbreak or disappointment 
  • Taking the next step/s towards a dream 
  • Breaking patterns that hold you back 
  • Making important life decisions 
  • Increasing your confidence 
  • Enjoying your life more
  • The list goes on… 

So How Can a Life Coach Help You?

A life coach offers a helping hand to heal, a safe space to feel, and a mirror to reveal your blind spots, as well as hidden talents and dreams. 

Okay one more metaphor: a microphone to hear your inner voice above all the noise. Also acting as an accountability partner to make sure you stick to the tiny steps you set for yourself, knowing that it’s the consistency of those steps that will take you to the goals that 
light you up inside.

ife Coach won’t try to fix you, give advice, consult or teach you, nor stay on the surface. Instead, they enable you to explore your situation, and yourself, diving as deeply as you wish, to find answers, and access your own wisdom, or even better, God’s wisdom:

Christian Life Coach follows a similar approach from a faith foundation- guided by Biblical principles, grounded in prayer, connecting you to God. 

A Life Coach Walks With You For  a While

I would summarize it this way: A life coach walks alongside you for a while on the path of life, until you no longer need them. As you say your grateful goodbyes, you’ll have gained new clarity and confidence as you continue with increased peace and passion towards your purpose.

Interested? Schedule a Free Clarity Call to explore a current challenge, experience what it’s like to work with me, and ask any questions. Even in case we’re not a  fit, I’m happy to connect you with other wonderful life coaches.

Thoughts? Do you have any additions, experiences, or questions? Have you received life coaching, and how did it help you? I’d love to hear from you in the comments.

Wishing you a wise and wonderful rest of your day!

Life Coaching blog series
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