
Presence: Slow Down, Simplify, Breathe…

How often do we prefer the road towards perceived productivity over presence? But when we honestly think about it, are we truly more productive when we arrive at work those few minutes earlier? When we skip our lunch break to get things done? When we talk or type faster?
Of course, we know the answer. It’s just that the pace of society is so easy to get caught up in.

Presence: Slow Down, Simplify, Breathe… Read More »

The Power of Positivity

Positivity may not fix our problems, it does provide a different perspective on dealing with them. In addition, it turns out that a positive mindset brings a whole host of benefits: From increased life expectancy to increased creativity, from better immunity to better social skills and relations, from lower levels of stress and pain to a lower risk of mental and even physical disease. The list goes on.

The Power of Positivity Read More »

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